Friday, February 22, 2008

From Sally Harris Gass (childhood friend)

As far as writing a story about your Dad, I really can't pick one anecdote because they all run together under one heading, "Life is Good!" He was always the gracious host, concerned father, interested-in-you observer. I can remember that slapping hands game which he always won...I was never fast enough. He rarely sat down but when he did, it was in HIS chair in the den. The tractor, the trailer, the leaves...50+ years in Potomac and there was always a kid getting a ride, being pulled, enjoying the moment. Last summer when I saw him, he said at 90, "I work 5 minutes and then sit 15 minutes." And all I could say was, "That's awesome." He loved his cars, always bought them in Delaware to save sales tax( and Papou on the license plate). The past 25 years I only saw him intermittently, but was always welcomed with a hug and huge grin.
Am not as articulate as some of the people writing on the blog page, but they captured him completely with the Emerson quote!

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